Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Adventure Continues...

Greetings to my gentle readers!!! I am currently back in Alaska, but I have loads more fun pictures and adventures to share about Morocco.

Just let me get through the school Christmas Concert, Staff Gift Exchange, Door Decoration Contest, baking a million cookies, and my jet lag.

Then the stories and pictures will be back. I promise.


Dorese @ Dorese's Pieces said...

Wait - so are you home HOME or just home for the holidays?

Super Angie said...

I am back in Alaska for good! Well, at least until this summer... :)

The Hoogland Family said...

Yeah, I hope you know that i am depending on you for my "cultural enlightening." Your blog is very fun to read to get out of my baby spit-up, poopy diapers, crying, I never get out of the house-RUT. Thank you!

Krystal said...

Thanks for your comment on our blog about the photography tips! At first I was like who is this girl that lives in Alaska and has lived in Morocco? And then Dylan said "oh yeah that's Angie Bush" oh right. I didn't know. Well nice to meet you Angie. :) Dylan says hi and he says you're awesome. He speaks very highly of you.